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Computer Science Student Resources | Computer Science Student Resources

Includes a basic math refresher, a queuing analysis primer, and links to numerous math sites.
Links to important collections of papers, technical reports, and bibliographies.
Advice and guidance for solving homework problems, writing technical reports, and preparing technical presentations.
A variety of useful documents and links.
Useful links and documents for those considering a career in computer science.
You should take your mind off your work once in a while.
A variety of interesting documents and links to other subjects.
All my books and other Pearson books available via this Web site at a greater discount than online bookstores. Go to discount book purchase.

This site provides information and links for computer science students. It also contains a number of documents that you may find useful in your ongoing computer science education. If you have any suggestions for site content, please email me by clicking on “contact me”, below.

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