Computer Science Student Resources
Page last updated: 9/13/19
Writing Rescue Guide for Students
: Excellent collection of resources.
Avoiding plagiarism
: Clearly explains the difference between legitimate paraphrasing and copying that could get you in trouble.
Guide to Citing Internet Sources
: Lot of good information about how to evaluate Internet sources and how to cite them.
Plagiarism on Campus
: Good explanation plus tools you can use to proactively check your work.
Writing Progress
: This free academic writing assistance Web site provides advice and writing tips from experts.
William Strunk's The Elements of Style (1918 edition, online)
: Despite its age, this short classic will do more to improve your writing style than any newer or longer book.
Online Resources for Writers
: A good collection of links to many of the major online writing resources.
Resource Guide to Writing Basics
: A useful guide to basic writing skills.
Writing Guide
: A useful general guide to writing papers, from Henson College.
Grammar Education Resource Guide
: a lot of in-depth information about grammar resources.
Guide to Grammar and Writing
: Excellent and thorough discussion of grammar and composition, includes tutorials, links, and FAQs.
Style Guide Resources
: A detailed list of style guide resources for the MLA, APA, Chicago, and CSE styles.
Online College Writing and Training Guide
: A well-organized set of resources designed to help you improve your writing skill.
Home Page of William Stallings
Computer Science Student Resources