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Microsoft MCITP IT Certification Exams | |
70-450 - PRO: Designing, Optimizing and Maintaining a Database Administrative Solution Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | |
70-640 - TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring Exam | |
70-642 - TS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring | |
70-643 - TS: Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure, Configuring | |
70-646 - PRO: Windows Server 2008, Server Administrator | |
70-647 - PRO: Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator | |
70-649 - TS: Upgrading Your MCSE on Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008, Technology Specialist | |
70-659 - TS: Windows Server 2008 R2, Server Virtualization | |
70-662 - Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuring | |
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70-680 - TS: Windows 7, Configuring | |
70-685 - Pro: Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Support Technician | |
70-686 - Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Administrator | |
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